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Loreena McKennitt - The Mask and Mirror Live (Live at the Palace of Fine Arts) (2024)
Loreena McKennitt - The Mask and Mirror Live (Live at the Palace of Fine Arts) (2024)
13.06.24 17:04

: Loreena McKennitt - The Mask and Mirror Live (Live at the Palace of Fine Arts) (2024)


01. The Mystic's Dream (Live at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, Ca, 19 May 1994)
02. The Bonny Swans (Live at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, Ca, 19 May 1994)
03. The Dark Night of the Soul (Live at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, Ca, 19 May 1994)
04. Marakesh Night Market (Live at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, Ca, 19 May 1994)
05. Full Circle (Live at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, Ca, 19 May 1994)
06. Santiago (Live at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, Ca, 19 May 1994)
07. The Two Trees (Live at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, Ca, 19 May 1994)
08. Prospero's Speech (Live at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, Ca, 19 May 1994)
09. Huron 'Beltaine' Fire Dance (Live at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, Ca, 19 May 1994)
10. Stolen Child (Live at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, Ca, 19 May 1994)

Kategorie: Alben
Release Jahr: 2024
Genre: Other
Dauer: N/A
Format: 320 kBit/s
Hits: 178
Größe: 143 MB

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