Kurzbeschreibung: In August 2014, the world was shocked to find out that Robin Williams had died by suicide. For someone who brought so much humor to the world, it was a tragic, traumatic end. But no one knew how much more there was to the story. Left to speculate on Robin`s motives, the media circus spun out further and further, leaving the public in the dark about a complicated and obscured truth: Robin - bright, funny, quick witted - had lost a battle against an unknown enemy: the nearly impossible to diagnose brain disease Lewy body dementia. Knowing the truth can make all the difference. LBD is a disease that, while all too common, is unknown to most, and without a diagnosis causes heightened fear, paranoia and confusion. In the end, Robin may have lost his final battle with dementia, but he succeeded at his lifelong goal - To make people less afraid. This is Robin`s wish.
IMDb: 8.1/10 |