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Bomb Squad Academy RiP-DarksiDers
04.09.17 20:41

: Bomb Squad Academy RiP-DarksiDers


Save the world one wire at a time with Bomb Squad Academy, a puzzle game where you have to defuse bombs under a time constraint.

Analyze the way the electronic boards function and identify how to disable the detonator. Be careful though, cutting the wrong wire or flipping the wrong switch might just trigger the bomb.

As you progress through the game, you will be faced with increasingly challenging circuits that will test your ability to work through logic puzzles quickly. Identify the components, understand the connections and learn what makes the circuit work. Do it fast enough and you might just make it through.Save the world one wire at a time with Bomb Squad Academy, a puzzle game where you have to defuse bombs under a time constraint.

Analyze the way the electronic boards function and identify how to disable the detonator. Be careful though, cutting the wrong wire or flipping the wrong switch might just trigger the bomb.

As you progress through the game, you will be faced with increasingly challenging circuits that will test your ability to work through logic puzzles quickly. Identify the components, understand the connections and learn what makes the circuit work. Do it fast enough and you might just make it through....

Kategorie: PC
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Simulation
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 484
Größe: 140 MB

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