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Lil Tanks RiP-DarksiDers Lil.Tanks.RiP-DARKSiDERS
24.08.17 17:03 |

Kurzbeschreibung: Lil Tanks is an action-packed, side-scrolling shooter that puts you in control of a prototype tank -- defending humanity from the alien scourge known as The Cuur. As Earths last hope, you must upgrade your tank with unique power-ups and blast the aliens back to where they came from! Level up by destroying The Cuur and earn powerful permanent upgrades. Unlock multiple tanks by completing objectives and finishing the campaign. The survival of the human race rests in your hands!Lil Tanks is an action-packed, side-scrolling shooter that puts you in control of a prototype tank -- defending humanity from the alien scourge known as The Cuur. As Earths last hope, you must upgrade your tank with unique power-ups and blast the aliens back to where they came from! Level up by destroying The Cuur and earn powerful permanent upgrades. Unlock multiple tanks by completing objectives and finishing the campaign. The survival of the human race rests in your hands!...
Kategorie: PC
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Action
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 353
Größe: 69 MB
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