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Ovivo RiP-DarksiDers
11.08.17 17:04

: Ovivo RiP-DarksiDers


OVIVO is a metaphoric game filled with illusions and hidden messages. In the world of OVIVO Black and White exist in harmony. Constantly intertwining and replacing each other they maintain balance. The main character named OVO created from these two halves of the world and it has the ability to switch between them. OVO travels through the metaphoric world, overcomes various dangers and collects mysterious symbols. These symbols help you to unravel the story of this world but how you interpret it is completely up to you.

Flow mechanics. In white, the gravity force is directed downwards, in black - upward. Preservation of momentum while transitioning from one color to another allows OVO to float along their border as if it is carried by the flow.
Fascinating art. The metaphorical world of OVIVO is full of hidden images and optical illusions.
Design without words. There is no text in the game and the story is narrated through gameplay and visuals.
Symbolism and puzzles. The game is filled with allusions and hidden messages.
Meditative ambient soundtrack by Brokenkites.OVIVO is a metaphoric game filled with illusions and hidden messages. In the world of OVIVO Black and White exist in harmony. Constantly intertwining and replacing each other they maintain balance. The main character named OVO created from these two halves of the world and it has the ability to switch between them. OVO travels through the metaphoric world, overcomes various dangers and collects mysterious symbols. These symbols help you to unravel the story of this world but how you interpret it is completely up to you.

Flow mechanics. In white, the gravity force is directed downwards, in black - upward. Preservation of momentum whil...

Kategorie: PC
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 424
Größe: 241 MB

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