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The Darkside Detective-DinobyTes
27.07.17 16:14

: The Darkside Detective-DinobyTes


Where cultists crawl, where demons dwell, where the occult… occults? *ahem* Thats where youll find Detective Francis McQueen, the lead investigator of the criminally underfunded Darkside Division. When evil darkens the doorsteps of Twin Lakes City – hell, even when it just loiters around shop fronts or hangs out in shady alleyways – hes there, ready to investigate the cases that nobody else will.
He is The Darkside Detective.

The Darkside Detective is a micro-adventure game with a distinct art style and charm. Its being developed for PC & Mac, and consists of a series of humorous bite-size investigations into the occult and extraordinary. It features:

- 6 cases, each more spooky than the last
- Music from Ben Prunty, the audiomancer behind gems such as FTL and Gravity Ghost
- Cutting edge, high definition pixels
- One free curse-removal, up to and including mid-level witch hexesWhere cultists crawl, where demons dwell, where the occult… occults? *ahem* Thats where youll find Detective Francis McQueen, the lead investigator of the criminally underfunded Darkside Division. When evil darkens the doorsteps of Twin Lakes City – hell, even when it just loiters around shop fronts or hangs out in shady alleyways – hes there, ready to investigate the cases that nobody else will.
He is The Darkside Detective.

The Darkside Detective is a micro-adventure game with a distinct art style and charm. Its being developed for PC & Mac, and consists of a series of humorous bite-size investigations into the occult and extraordinary. It ...

Kategorie: PC
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 689
Größe: 161 MB

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