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Adams Venture Origins Special Edition Multi15-Plaza
27.09.17 01:41

: Adams Venture Origins Special Edition Multi15-Plaza


Embark on a bold adventure in Adam’s Venture: Origins. Set in the roaring 20’s, in Adam’s Venture: Origins you will explore ancient ruins, and recover mysterious artifacts. Together with your trusted accomplice Evelyn, you will have to outsmart the evil Clairvaux company.

The Adam’s Venture: Origins Special Edition Package contains the following items:

Adam’s Travel Journal, a special journal containing diary entries of Adam during his adventures. Featuring exclusive concept art for the game and a lot of new insights into the thoughts and feelings of Adam during his adventures.
7 Postcards with Adam’s Venture: Origins Artwork
1 Map showing a mysterious location near the four rivers mentioned in the book of Genesis
1 Full colour poster

Adam’s Venture Origins is a reimagining of the Adam’s Venture franchise. Streamlined and replotted to forge an engaging narrative, Adam’s Venture: Origins reimagines the events of the first exploits of Adam Venture.

Adam’s Venture: Origins features new, next-gen visuals, new gameplay and new animation work which makes it into a true next-gen experience.

Adam’s Venture: Origins is the fulfillment of the original vision of Vertigo Games, as facilitated by SOEDESCO. Challenging puzzles, stunning visuals, engaging narrative and tight gameplay will make Adam’s Venture: Origins into an adventure game that is not to be missed.

Brains over Brawn, Adam’s Venture: Origins focusses on clever puzzles.
Delve into ancient mysteries and recover mysterious artifacts.
Traverse long forgotten tombs and crumbling cities using the new grappling hook.
Rich and involving storyline that weaves a surprising adventure with historical overtones.Embark on a bold adventure in Adam’s Venture: Origins. Set in the roaring 20’s, in Adam’s Venture: Origins you will explore ancient ruins, and recover mysterious artifacts. Together with your trusted accomplice Evelyn, you will have to outsmart the evil Clairvaux company.

The Adam’s Venture: Origins Special Edition Package contains the following items:

Adam’s Travel Journal, a special journal containing diary entries of Adam during his adventures. Featuring exclusive concept art for the game and a lot of new insights into the thoughts and feelings of Adam during his adventures.
7 Postcards with Adam’s Venture: Origins Artwork
1 Map showing...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 1.514
Größe: 2,53 GB

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