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Ancient Frontier-Reloaded
21.09.17 20:57

: Ancient Frontier-Reloaded


Brand new cinematic turn based strategy!

Fair Weather Studios is very happy to announce Ancient Frontier! Ancient Frontier is a turn-based strategy role-playing game set in deep space in the far future. Players will explore, conquer, pillage, or liberate the frontiers of space.

The universe is built off of the story established in our first project, Bladestar, but takes it much deeper with warring factions, double crossing corporations, privateers, and galactic governments. Take control of massive fleets of capital ships and support craft and navigate the rich multi-faceted story of Ancient Frontier- the future of war.

Two full fledged campaigns
Dynamic initiative based turn based combat
Over 35 unique ships to command
Customize your play style by unlocking technologies in an extensive Tech Tree
Two major factions and three sub-factions
Large, detailed space maps to fight across
Three different resources to manage
Dozens of different weapon systems and abilities to control

Will you defend the frontier?Brand new cinematic turn based strategy!

Fair Weather Studios is very happy to announce Ancient Frontier! Ancient Frontier is a turn-based strategy role-playing game set in deep space in the far future. Players will explore, conquer, pillage, or liberate the frontiers of space.

The universe is built off of the story established in our first project, Bladestar, but takes it much deeper with warring factions, double crossing corporations, privateers, and galactic governments. Take control of massive fleets of capital ships and support craft and navigate the rich multi-faceted story of Ancient Frontier- the future of war.

Two full fledged...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Strategy
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 501
Größe: 3,45 GB

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