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Arena an Age of Barbarians Story-Plaza
15.09.17 21:44

: Arena an Age of Barbarians Story-Plaza


A non-stop action game, completely skill based. Immerse yourself into an incredible adventure in a world inspired by the 80s’ Sword & Sorcery fantasy. Frantic action, brutal fighting, monsters, romance, and plenty of Heavy Metal rhythms.


In a kingdom conquered by an evil sorcerer, a beautiful girl known for her prophesies as the Oracle predicts the coming of a savior, a Barbarian who will come from far away and break the chains of slavery.


◾ Six game characters: What are their destinies? It depends on you, as each character has unique abilities and special moves.

◾ Deadly mini games: Several brutal mini games that will challenge your reflex.

◾ Grindhouse / B-movie effects: This is optional, but definitely recommended for fans of low budget 80s sword & sorcery movie.

◾ Multiple endings: the endings depend not only on the chosen character, but also on the series of actions taken during the game.

◾ Gore, Blood and Guts: Massacre your enemies, chop them in pieces.

◾ Non-stop action: No breaks, you must always be on guard.

◾ Completely Skill Based: No RPG elements, everything is based on your reflexes and your abilities as a player.

◾ Versus Mode: Challenge anybody - your friend, your girlfriend, your relative - and find out who is the strongest.

◾ Full Heavy Metal soundtrack: Go wild on a battleground to Heavy Metal rhythm.A non-stop action game, completely skill based. Immerse yourself into an incredible adventure in a world inspired by the 80s’ Sword & Sorcery fantasy. Frantic action, brutal fighting, monsters, romance, and plenty of Heavy Metal rhythms.


In a kingdom conquered by an evil sorcerer, a beautiful girl known for her prophesies as the Oracle predicts the coming of a savior, a Barbarian who will come from far away and break the chains of slavery.


◾ Six game characters: What are their destinies? It depends on you, as each character has unique abilities and special moves.

◾ Deadly mini games: Several brutal mini game...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Action
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 501
Größe: 3,62 GB

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