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Aven Colony Update v1 0 20217-Codex
03.08.17 10:13

: Aven Colony Update v1 0 20217-Codex


Update 1.0.20217:
Added a Language panel to the Options tab to let you select your language at runtime rather than using the current language in Windows
Fixed a very rare stability issue related to defeating Hover Guardian robots in the late campaign or in sandbox missions
Made "Steam Cloud Saves" text also grey out if Steam Cloud isnt available
Increased the shadow distance to cover some cases where shadows werent long enough
Lots of improvements to localized text, especially Russian and German
Fixes to ensure that colonists now say things like "This situation is terrifying!" much less often, and only in dangerous situations
Fixed some issues with the layout of the main menu was suboptimal at some resolutions. Were still aware of some issues with the in-game UI at 1600x1200 and are working to resolve those
Consumer Goods production is now turned off when you run out of Nanites. We are working on a solution to allow Mills and Chemical Plants to generate resources in limited quantities rather than just turning production on or off, but in ths meantime, this should help mitigate issues with players running out of Nanites due to Consumer Goods production being left on and chewing through Nanites.
Consumer Goods are now generated much more slowly
Reduced bird squawking volumeUpdate 1.0.20217:
Added a Language panel to the Options tab to let you select your language at runtime rather than using the current language in Windows
Fixed a very rare stability issue related to defeating Hover Guardian robots in the late campaign or in sandbox missions
Made "Steam Cloud Saves" text also grey out if Steam Cloud isnt available
Increased the shadow distance to cover some cases where shadows werent long enough
Lots of improvements to localized text, especially Russian and German
Fixes to ensure that colonists now say things like "This situation is terrifying!" much less often, and only in dangerous situations
Fixed some iss...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Simulation
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 571
Größe: 179 MB

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