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Barclay The Marrowdale Murder-SiMplex
02.09.17 19:21

: Barclay The Marrowdale Murder-SiMplex


William Marrowdale
Mr. Marrowdale is a rich and successful businessman who lives in the wild west with his family. They live in a town called Thunderalley. One day he decides to hire detective Barclay and his inspector Burton to solve one of his problems. While Barclay and Burton are staying at his house, he is murdered. As the only official present, Barclay decides to conduct the investigation right away.

Join detective Barclay in finding his way in a web of plots, intrigue and ultimately in catching William Marrowdales killer. Search the house for clues, conduct interviews with the suspects and bring the final verdict.
William Marrowdale
Mr. Marrowdale is a rich and successful businessman who lives in the wild west with his family. They live in a town called Thunderalley. One day he decides to hire detective Barclay and his inspector Burton to solve one of his problems. While Barclay and Burton are staying at his house, he is murdered. As the only official present, Barclay decides to conduct the investigation right away.

Join detective Barclay in finding his way in a web of plots, intrigue and ultimately in catching William Marrowdales killer. Search the house for clues, conduct interviews with the suspects and bring the final verdict.

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 872
Größe: 278 MB

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