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Bloody Zombies-Codex
12.09.17 09:17

: Bloody Zombies-Codex


London has been lost to the undead plague. Overrun by hordes of mutated zombies, the last hope rests in the united fists of four lone outcasts.

Bloody Zombies is a co-op brawler designed to be played with any combination of PC and VR players. Fight across the ruins of London using carefully refined Free-Form Combat, taking down a terrifying variety of undead with an expanding special move-set. Created for 1-4 players, Bloody Zombies is also enhanced with HTC Vive and Oculus Rift - using its unique viewpoint to help the team overcome obstacles & discover secrets in the game.

Unite with friends online & locally, with or without a VR headset. Work together to tear through the undead hordes, whilst competing for the highest score. VR’s enhanced viewpoint allows you to assist other players - lean in & look around to overcome obstacles & give tactical support.

London has been lost to the undead plague. Overrun by hordes of mutated zombies, the last hope rests in the united fists of four lone outcasts.

Bloody Zombies is a co-op brawler designed to be played with any combination of PC and VR players. Fight across the ruins of London using carefully refined Free-Form Combat, taking down a terrifying variety of undead with an expanding special move-set. Created for 1-4 players, Bloody Zombies is also enhanced with HTC Vive and Oculus Rift - using its unique viewpoint to help the team overcome obstacles & discover secrets in the game.

Unite with friends online & locally, with or without a VR headset. ...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Action
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 603
Größe: 2,69 GB

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