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C64 and Amiga Classix Remakes Sixpack Multi2-AliAs
17.08.17 22:02

: C64 and Amiga Classix Remakes Sixpack Multi2-AliAs


Play again a few classics of the C64 and Amiga era - as remakes. Master tricky Jumpn Run level in "Jump Boy", claim yourself in exciting races with pit stops or fight a quick karate fight against challenging opponents. Protect the mine workers on the moon Io from alien attacks, sink submarines in the remake of "Seawolf III," or maneuver your "River Attack" jet skillful across the river - past your besiegers. Enjoy the touch of nostalgic retro feel!

- Remakes of your favourite classics of the C64 and AMIGA era
- Contains the 6 retro classics:
- Jump Boy Remake
- Drop Sector Remake
- Pitstart Remake
- Karate Remake
- River Attack Remake
- Seawolf IIIPlay again a few classics of the C64 and Amiga era - as remakes. Master tricky Jumpn Run level in "Jump Boy", claim yourself in exciting races with pit stops or fight a quick karate fight against challenging opponents. Protect the mine workers on the moon Io from alien attacks, sink submarines in the remake of "Seawolf III," or maneuver your "River Attack" jet skillful across the river - past your besiegers. Enjoy the touch of nostalgic retro feel!

- Remakes of your favourite classics of the C64 and AMIGA era
- Contains the 6 retro classics:
- Jump Boy Remake
- Drop Sector Remake
- Pitstart Remake
- Karate Remake
- River Attack Remake
- ...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Action
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 857
Größe: 62 MB

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