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22.09.17 22:39

: Caligo-Hi2U


Caligo is a small atmospheric walking simulator. Its an interactive story where you mainly have to look and listen.

Caligo is the darkness everyone descends into one way or another, and to each of us its something different. For some its a short but exciting adventure, some will see it as a place to relax. Yet others will be reminded of their worst nightmare, while for a few, it might come as a revelation. One thing is certain however: everyone will have to answer one big question.
Caligo is a small atmospheric walking simulator. Its an interactive story where you mainly have to look and listen.

Caligo is the darkness everyone descends into one way or another, and to each of us its something different. For some its a short but exciting adventure, some will see it as a place to relax. Yet others will be reminded of their worst nightmare, while for a few, it might come as a revelation. One thing is certain however: everyone will have to answer one big question.

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 455
Größe: 3,53 GB

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