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Cat Interstellar-Plaza Cat.Interstellar-PLAZA
06.10.17 21:04 |

Kurzbeschreibung: Warning: This is a short story ~ 1 hour long that is meant to be played in a single sitting. Play as a DOG-VI drone, a newly activated maintenance bot, who is assisting in the terraforming effort on Mars. After a predictable yet unfortunate accident DOG finds herself uncovering the past of a seemingly barren planet.Warning: This is a short story ~ 1 hour long that is meant to be played in a single sitting. Play as a DOG-VI drone, a newly activated maintenance bot, who is assisting in the terraforming effort on Mars. After a predictable yet unfortunate accident DOG finds herself uncovering the past of a seemingly barren planet....
Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 640
Größe: 1,81 GB
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