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Corona Blossom Vol 3 Journey to the Stars-DarksiDers
13.08.17 19:48

: Corona Blossom Vol 3 Journey to the Stars-DarksiDers


"Corona Blossom" is a heartwarming trilogy of visual novels featuring the "e-mote" system and artwork by nanaca mai!

Learn the fates of the characters youve grown to know and love in the exciting final chapter of the Corona Blossom saga!

R-ne: a cute, shapeshifting metallic lifeform who one day fell from space.
Keiji Osaki: a young man with a mysterious past, now working at a mech garage.

After growing close through adventures and mishaps throughout the summer, the two of them made a promise: to return R-ne to her home planet.

To that end, Keiji has steadily been working on a plan together with space pirate Lily, and his coworker at the garage, Kumiko.

But Ms. Kanades big reveal has thrown a spanner in the works.

The people of Hanma Town must now do battle against a mysterious organization thats after R-ne.
Time is running out for Keiji and his friends!

Will they ever be able to return R-ne to space?
And is that really the right move?

The thrilling conclusion to R-ne`s journey is finally here!"Corona Blossom" is a heartwarming trilogy of visual novels featuring the "e-mote" system and artwork by nanaca mai!

Learn the fates of the characters youve grown to know and love in the exciting final chapter of the Corona Blossom saga!

R-ne: a cute, shapeshifting metallic lifeform who one day fell from space.
Keiji Osaki: a young man with a mysterious past, now working at a mech garage.

After growing close through adventures and mishaps throughout the summer, the two of them made a promise: to return R-ne to her home planet.

To that end, Keiji has steadily been working on a plan together with space pirate Lily, and his cowor...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 2.831
Größe: 3,28 GB

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