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Cossacks 3 Summer Fair-Skidrow
24.06.17 00:18

: Cossacks 3 Summer Fair-Skidrow


Cossacks 3: Summer Fair introduces special seasonal event content to all our players. This free DLC includes summer campaign with funny mission, which would add some colors to your summer holidays.

It is time when in a distant country which name you do not remember, in a city which name you cannot pronounce, they begin to prepare for a big fair. There should gather guests not only from the neighborhood, but also from neighboring countries to sell their goods profitably and make all kinds of purchases. But this is not all. What is the fair without magicians, acrobats, comedians, and other artists? In short, fans of different wonders will find something to see. Zaporozhian Cossacks also gathered at the fair. Recent campaign was very successful. The journey was long and dangerous, but everything went well so far. Lead Cossacks intact and visit this grandiose festival.Cossacks 3: Summer Fair introduces special seasonal event content to all our players. This free DLC includes summer campaign with funny mission, which would add some colors to your summer holidays.

It is time when in a distant country which name you do not remember, in a city which name you cannot pronounce, they begin to prepare for a big fair. There should gather guests not only from the neighborhood, but also from neighboring countries to sell their goods profitably and make all kinds of purchases. But this is not all. What is the fair without magicians, acrobats, comedians, and other artists? In short, fans of different wonders will find so...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Strategy
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 822
Größe: 3,11 GB

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