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Descent Silence of Mind-Skidrow
02.08.17 19:00

: Descent Silence of Mind-Skidrow


D E S C E N T S i l e n c e o f M i n d
is a first-person atmospheric horror game with experimental elements.
The player will explore sinister and mysterious environments in search of repressed memories to move forward.
A gradual change of environment combining puzzles and jumpscares.

C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S :
Immersive graphics: AA quality graphics give gamers a detailed and terrifying world to explore.
Puzzles: Exciting mix of puzzles and supernatural events.
Atmospheric Sound: Provides a perfect soundtrack that improves immersion and tension.
JumpScares: The game is designed to get many sudden shocks. You have been warned.

H I S T O R Y :
The game begins when a man with sleep disorder decides to do a hypnosis treatment.
After your first section, something drastically changes in your unconscious.
His real world begins to merge with the spiritual world.
In search of his repressed memories, he enters this world, and gradually his fears begin to become real and he must discover how to escape his own mind.D E S C E N T S i l e n c e o f M i n d
is a first-person atmospheric horror game with experimental elements.
The player will explore sinister and mysterious environments in search of repressed memories to move forward.
A gradual change of environment combining puzzles and jumpscares.

C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S :
Immersive graphics: AA quality graphics give gamers a detailed and terrifying world to explore.
Puzzles: Exciting mix of puzzles and supernatural events.
Atmospheric Sound: Provides a perfect soundtrack that improves immersion and tension.
JumpScares: The game is designed to get many sudden shocks. You have been warned.

H ...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Horror
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 733
Größe: 1,23 GB

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