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Eliosis Hunt-Plaza
16.08.17 01:10

: Eliosis Hunt-Plaza


Inspired by classic actions games like Metal Slug and Crash Bandicoot, Eliosi’s Hunt delivers the experience of exploring the mechanics, mastering the game and feeling your actual progress through the gameplay. All that with a modern approach: smooth gameplay, beautifully-crafted graphics and cutting-edge technology.

Chasing your dream
In an alien world where bounty hunters are seen as heroes for maintaining the order, Eliosi, a young Zelicyan, dreams of becoming one of them. But he will have to overcome the weakness and smallness of his race to fulfill his dream. During your journey as Eliosi, you will face monsters from nature, mutated creatures, bloodthirsty tribes, natural phenomena and more. To even the odds, you will have to use everything at your disposal, including several weapons, equipment, and of course upgrading yourself and your drone.

Top features
Challenging and rewarding gameplay that combines shooting and platforming.
Fluid and responsive controls gives you the possibility of truly mastering the game.
Mixture of hand-made and motion captured animations allows the characters to move naturally while keeping you in control at all times.
Time goals delivers frantic experience for hardcore players.
Explore distinct and hostile alien-looking sci-fi environments.
Improve your skills as you journey from weak and slow to deadly and experienced.

Inspired by classic actions games like Metal Slug and Crash Bandicoot, Eliosi’s Hunt delivers the experience of exploring the mechanics, mastering the game and feeling your actual progress through the gameplay. All that with a modern approach: smooth gameplay, beautifully-crafted graphics and cutting-edge technology.

Chasing your dream
In an alien world where bounty hunters are seen as heroes for maintaining the order, Eliosi, a young Zelicyan, dreams of becoming one of them. But he will have to overcome the weakness and smallness of his race to fulfill his dream. During your journey as Eliosi, you will face monsters from nature, mutated creat...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Action
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 389
Größe: 1,02 GB

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