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Get Even Multi8-ElAmigos
23.06.17 11:33

: Get Even Multi8-ElAmigos


Black - an ice-cold mercenary and hired gun - awakes in a mysterious old asylum with no memory of his past.
Under the guidance of his anonymous captor, ‘Red’, Black embarks on a form of treatment, facilitated by a unique technology - a headset that allows the user to relive their memories and experience them again in the present.
And so Black tries to remember.
With the help of the ‘Pandora’ headset, he travels into the depths of his own mind to explore the truth behind the only thing he can remember: the rescue attempt of a teenage girl with a bomb strapped to her chest.Black - an ice-cold mercenary and hired gun - awakes in a mysterious old asylum with no memory of his past.
Under the guidance of his anonymous captor, ‘Red’, Black embarks on a form of treatment, facilitated by a unique technology - a headset that allows the user to relive their memories and experience them again in the present.
And so Black tries to remember.
With the help of the ‘Pandora’ headset, he travels into the depths of his own mind to explore the truth behind the only thing he can remember: the rescue attempt of a teenage girl with a bomb strapped to her chest....

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Action
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 910
Größe: 19,14 GB

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