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Home Sweet Home-Hi2U
27.09.17 10:06

: Home Sweet Home-Hi2U


Tim’s life has drastically changed since his wife disappeared mysteriously. In one night, after suffering from the sorrow for a long time, he woke up in an unknown place instead of his house. While trying to escape from this place, he was hunted by a rancorous female spirit. Can he survive? Is this place actually his house? Does it relate to the disappearance of his wife? Some dark sinister secret is hidden inside this house, and it won’t be a place of happiness as it used to be any longer.

Key Features
• Thai Horror - Environment is based on horror Thai setting and the narrative is inspired by Thai myths.
• Challenging Gameplay – Focus on stealth gameplay which requires player’s skill to overcome.
• Diversity of Gameplay – Puzzles and investigations are integrated into the game for variety of gameplay.Tim’s life has drastically changed since his wife disappeared mysteriously. In one night, after suffering from the sorrow for a long time, he woke up in an unknown place instead of his house. While trying to escape from this place, he was hunted by a rancorous female spirit. Can he survive? Is this place actually his house? Does it relate to the disappearance of his wife? Some dark sinister secret is hidden inside this house, and it won’t be a place of happiness as it used to be any longer.

Key Features
• Thai Horror - Environment is based on horror Thai setting and the narrative is inspired by Thai myths.
• Challenging Gameplay – Focus on st...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 711
Größe: 5,19 GB

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