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Hypernova Escape from Hadea Rip Repack-Unleashed
18.09.17 08:12

: Hypernova Escape from Hadea Rip Repack-Unleashed


Do you like RTS games? How about tower defense, is that your cup of tea? Then make sure to play HYPERNOVA.
In this exciting new mélange of RTS and TD, an alien planetary system is in danger. Its huge star Naidira is becoming increasingly unstable. Realizing that it is only a matter of time before an apocalyptic hypernova explosion destroys their entire planet Hadea, the Scynthians devise a plan to escape their world and rebuild their civilization elsewhere in the galaxy. Their salvation lies in an interstellar teleportation device. Unfortunately, the raw materials required to build and power up such a device have long been depleted on Hadea due to centuries of overpopulation.

The only place where they can gather more of these elements is on Hadea’s moon, Haya, an inhospitable world with a toxic corrosive atmosphere and inhabited by violent creatures. In a desperate, last-ditch effort to save their race, the Scynthians send an expedition to Haya to find a way to power the escape technology and save their culture from extinction.

Engage in a role of a Scynthian leader and make the first step towards saving the Scynthians from certain oblivion.

Explore the unique environment of Haya and discover different landscapes
Search for minerals that can be used to build and power up the Scynthian technology
Build a settlement that will allow the Scynthians to survive the harsh conditions on Haya
Grow the population
Unlock technologies in the tech tree
Build a tower defense system against the nasty Hayan creatures
Build and power up the Stellar Bridge - a teleportation device
Look for ancient relics around the moon
Find hidden creatures ;)Do you like RTS games? How about tower defense, is that your cup of tea? Then make sure to play HYPERNOVA.
In this exciting new mélange of RTS and TD, an alien planetary system is in danger. Its huge star Naidira is becoming increasingly unstable. Realizing that it is only a matter of time before an apocalyptic hypernova explosion destroys their entire planet Hadea, the Scynthians devise a plan to escape their world and rebuild their civilization elsewhere in the galaxy. Their salvation lies in an interstellar teleportation device. Unfortunately, the raw materials required to build and power up such a device have long been depleted on Hadea due t...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Strategy
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 1.367
Größe: 305 MB

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