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26.08.17 11:44

: Katharsis-Hi2U


What is it?

Have you ever had an obsession? Anything. To buy a sports car, to build a country house, to find true love, to collect all rare stamps?

What is it? Dream? The purpose of life? Or is it just a mental parasite that has settled in your mind? Any way, your life is no longer a mere existence. Now it is the path. A path that can lead anywhere. A path full of difficulties and questions.

The main character is an example of a person who goes to his goal. No matter what it is, no matter how big it is.

For example - the main character is looking for milk. Does it sound silly? Let it be.
How does it feel?

Katharsis is a first person exploration game, where you will face a bunch of choices and simple puzzles. Sooner or later those choices will lead you to the end of a story. There are a few endings and together they will provide a full game experience.
But remember - there is no true ending. Every ending is just a piece of a core message that game is trying to say.What is it?

Have you ever had an obsession? Anything. To buy a sports car, to build a country house, to find true love, to collect all rare stamps?

What is it? Dream? The purpose of life? Or is it just a mental parasite that has settled in your mind? Any way, your life is no longer a mere existence. Now it is the path. A path that can lead anywhere. A path full of difficulties and questions.

The main character is an example of a person who goes to his goal. No matter what it is, no matter how big it is.

For example - the main character is looking for milk. Does it sound silly? Let it be.
How does it feel?

Katharsis is a first p...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 461
Größe: 825 MB

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