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King Lucas Multi3-SiMplex
22.08.17 20:01

: King Lucas Multi3-SiMplex


After an affair King Lucas had with the Witch of Sausan, the Queen left him and remarried in an adjacent kingdom, and now his daughters are the only ones left at his side. Due to his love for them, each and every time they get lost in the castle, he moves heaven and earth to get them back and he only resorts to the most intrepid knights in order to find them. Will you be one of those knights?

Play for the favour of King Lucas and the three princesses love. A castle will be randomly built and you must find them inside a little area of it. You can move horizontally and vertically through the rooms until you reach your goal. Once you succeed, the castle will become a little bit more difficult: a larger area will be unlocked... and the experience will become more hardcore when the princess becomes lost inside a fully unlocked castle with more than 1,000 rooms.After an affair King Lucas had with the Witch of Sausan, the Queen left him and remarried in an adjacent kingdom, and now his daughters are the only ones left at his side. Due to his love for them, each and every time they get lost in the castle, he moves heaven and earth to get them back and he only resorts to the most intrepid knights in order to find them. Will you be one of those knights?

Play for the favour of King Lucas and the three princesses love. A castle will be randomly built and you must find them inside a little area of it. You can move horizontally and vertically through the rooms until you reach your goal. Once you succeed, the ...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 753
Größe: 116 MB

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