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10.08.17 00:21

: Kukui-Plaza


Kukui is about a 10-year-old boy that is going through trauma, Kyle wasn’t always a troubled kid, shortly after he reached the age of 10 he started developing a rare brain dysfunction that made him see things that are not from this world. Shortly after suffering an accident, Kyle was put into a coma that left him paralyzed and unable to move. Luckily his brain is still functioning and he is able to access it and relive it all again and be able to understand how he got hurt.

This game is divided into 3 levels, these levels have clues within them that you have to find and keep up with the story to understand the game. As the story unfolds you will start understanding all the characters in the game and how you are connected with each character. When playing each level, you will start in a maze, this maze will have clues and all the stuff you need to pass the level and understand the story.

- 3 unique difficult skull cracking maze maps
- Powerful and compelling story full of anticipation
- No jump scares!
- Unforgettable terrifying surroundings
- A natural Horror factor like never experienced beforeKukui is about a 10-year-old boy that is going through trauma, Kyle wasn’t always a troubled kid, shortly after he reached the age of 10 he started developing a rare brain dysfunction that made him see things that are not from this world. Shortly after suffering an accident, Kyle was put into a coma that left him paralyzed and unable to move. Luckily his brain is still functioning and he is able to access it and relive it all again and be able to understand how he got hurt.

This game is divided into 3 levels, these levels have clues within them that you have to find and keep up with the story to understand the game. As the story unfolds you wi...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Horror
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 628
Größe: 3,60 GB

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