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Loot N Shoot Rip-Unleashed
29.09.17 20:46

: Loot N Shoot Rip-Unleashed


In a world driven by automation, you jump into one of many warehouse robots that experience a malfunction and start fighting each other with everything they can find.
The objective of this fast-paced game is to defeat all enemies in multiple themed warehouses before they can defeat you.

The items (explosive rubber ducks, guns, glowsticks and more) can be used in multiple ways to do different amounts of damage but depending on the damage, the item might backfire!

You play on procedurally generated maps that scale automatically to the number of players, 2-8 players compete against each other in each game.

There is a chance to unlock one of many masks ingame after completing a match.In a world driven by automation, you jump into one of many warehouse robots that experience a malfunction and start fighting each other with everything they can find.
The objective of this fast-paced game is to defeat all enemies in multiple themed warehouses before they can defeat you.

The items (explosive rubber ducks, guns, glowsticks and more) can be used in multiple ways to do different amounts of damage but depending on the damage, the item might backfire!

You play on procedurally generated maps that scale automatically to the number of players, 2-8 players compete against each other in each game.

There is a chance to unlock one of...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Action
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 661
Größe: 307 MB

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