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Mass Effect Andromeda Update v1 09-Codex
16.07.17 21:17

: Mass Effect Andromeda Update v1 09-Codex


Update v1.09:
Various improvements to facial animations and cinematic scenes
Improved stability
[MP] Platinum difficulty added
Fixed issue where certain hair textures could disappear from female custom heads when using Facial Reconstruction Suite
Fixed issue where negative AVP could be displayed after reaching Nexus level 20
Fixed various quest progression blockers
Fixed issue where Ryder could be killed even when following directions during the guarded walk through Aya
Fixed issue where player could commit to relationships with both Jaal and Cora concurrently
Fixed issue where the “Reach the Signal Source” objective in Peebee’s quest line could fail to trigger
Fixed issue where player could get trapped on a ledge in the Elaaden Vault, causing an infinite load screen
Fixed save/load issues with the final battle area in Peebee’s Loyalty mission
Fixed issue where the “Speak to Sid” objective on the Nexus could persist indefinitely
Fixed issue where quest marker could disappear during the final step of the “Reformation” quest on Voeld
Addressed issue where it was possible for the player to be attacked during initial conversation with Bain Massani on Eos
Fixed issue where save/load could cause final platform to disappear in Drack’s Loyalty Mission
Fixed issue where the player can’t progress through the final story mission if the Nomad is broken from the “Out of Gas” quest
Added a confirmation prompt before changing Ryder’s appearance on the Tempest
Fixed issue where player could become trapped by NPCs in the APEX HQ on the Nexus
X5 Ghost can now be dismantled.
Fixed issue where TAB (keyboard) and Start/Options (Controller) no longer served as shortcuts to close the pause menu
Fixed issue where auto-level could assign skill points into loyalty-locked squadmate skills
Tactical Cloak melee damage bonus now applies to jump-melee as well.
Fixed issue with Fusion Mods displaying incorrect stats
[PC] Improved HDR functionality on Windows 10 Creators Update
[PC] Photo mode now supports Ansel’s depth-of-field controls.
[PC] Fixed issue where Logitech keyboard rebinding would cause key lighting to work improperlyUpdate v1.09:
Various improvements to facial animations and cinematic scenes
Improved stability
[MP] Platinum difficulty added
Fixed issue where certain hair textures could disappear from female custom heads when using Facial Reconstruction Suite
Fixed issue where negative AVP could be displayed after reaching Nexus level 20
Fixed various quest progression blockers
Fixed issue where Ryder could be killed even when following directions during the guarded walk through Aya
Fixed issue where player could commit to relationships with both Jaal and Cora concurrently
Fixed issue where the “Reach the Signal Source” objective in Peebee’s quest lin...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: RPG
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 510
Größe: 3,80 GB

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