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Medieval Mystery Match-Zeke
14.08.17 18:56

: Medieval Mystery Match-Zeke


Enjoy this medieval themed fantasy match 3 game. Play in a variety of environments and travel this fantasy world as you match your way through 100 levels. Earn gold along the way that can earn you bonuses and extra special symbols to help you progress through the harder levels. Watch for hints and learn tricks to master each level with the highest score possible. Replay levels to earn new high scores. With more than 20 hours of gameplay content including a timed and relaxed mode, youll be certain to enjoy this game for a long time.

100 Challenging levels
Timed and Relaxed game modes
Responsive gameplay
High quality art and relaxing music
Powerups and special symbols
Localized in English, French, Italian, German and Spanish

This game was designed for PC and contains no IAP nor any mobile ports.Enjoy this medieval themed fantasy match 3 game. Play in a variety of environments and travel this fantasy world as you match your way through 100 levels. Earn gold along the way that can earn you bonuses and extra special symbols to help you progress through the harder levels. Watch for hints and learn tricks to master each level with the highest score possible. Replay levels to earn new high scores. With more than 20 hours of gameplay content including a timed and relaxed mode, youll be certain to enjoy this game for a long time.

100 Challenging levels
Timed and Relaxed game modes
Responsive gameplay
High quality art and relaxing music

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Strategy
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 571
Größe: 40 MB

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