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Original Journey Rip Multi5-SiMplex
17.08.17 11:58

: Original Journey Rip Multi5-SiMplex


On the edge of the universe there is a world that shouldnt exist. A world full of dangerous monstrosities, floating islands, and terrible secrets. Join the Ato, a race of space faring vegetation, as they attempt to uncover the secrets of Planet Shadow and harness its energy to save their dying home world.

Youre a rookie soldier in the Ato army under the command of legendary war hero Captain Colin. Your mission is desperate and dangerous, but the fate of your people depends on your success. Battle your way across the ever-changing surface of Planet Shadow, improve your skills, upgrade your gear, and discover the truth behind the Ato invasion.

How far will one soldier go to save his people?

Experience the rich and harrowing narrative of the Ato peoples struggle to survive
Dual wield over a dozen alien weapons and upgrade them for maximum carnage
Place your limited turrets strategically for defense
Uncover secrets hidden amongst hundreds of procedurally generated levels
Wear a wide range of augmented mech armor
Embark on missions that include racing, sharpshooting, and moreOn the edge of the universe there is a world that shouldnt exist. A world full of dangerous monstrosities, floating islands, and terrible secrets. Join the Ato, a race of space faring vegetation, as they attempt to uncover the secrets of Planet Shadow and harness its energy to save their dying home world.

Youre a rookie soldier in the Ato army under the command of legendary war hero Captain Colin. Your mission is desperate and dangerous, but the fate of your people depends on your success. Battle your way across the ever-changing surface of Planet Shadow, improve your skills, upgrade your gear, and discover the truth behind the Ato invasion.

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 650
Größe: 354 MB

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