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Pankapu Episode 2 Rip Multi7-SiMplex
28.09.17 10:02

: Pankapu Episode 2 Rip Multi7-SiMplex


Pankapu: the Last Aegis delves deeper into Djaha’rell’s dreams to find Faith, the Last Aegis. Strong of this encounter, Pankapu reaches its full potential, switching in real time between three combat forms. Gangreyn, the Prince of Nightmares and its minions are still hindering the boy’s recovery.

If you own Pankapu Prologue (or previously Episode 1), buy the Episode 2 to know the end of the story of Pankapu, and get a new Aegis to switch to: The Mage.Pankapu: the Last Aegis delves deeper into Djaha’rell’s dreams to find Faith, the Last Aegis. Strong of this encounter, Pankapu reaches its full potential, switching in real time between three combat forms. Gangreyn, the Prince of Nightmares and its minions are still hindering the boy’s recovery.

If you own Pankapu Prologue (or previously Episode 1), buy the Episode 2 to know the end of the story of Pankapu, and get a new Aegis to switch to: The Mage....

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 493
Größe: 378 MB

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