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Pinball Fx3-Plaza
26.09.17 14:29

: Pinball Fx3-Plaza


Pinball FX3 is the biggest, most community focused pinball game ever created. Multiplayer matchups, user generated tournaments and league play create endless opportunity for pinball competition.

FREE backwards compatibility! Bring your previous Pinball FX2 purchases with you to Pinball FX3 at no charge!

Not so hot with the flippers? Pinball FX3 features new single player modes that will help you become a better player!

All tables have received graphics updates including real-time lighting and shadow projection.

Zen Studios will continue to support Pinball FX3 with frequent content releases and new features!Pinball FX3 is the biggest, most community focused pinball game ever created. Multiplayer matchups, user generated tournaments and league play create endless opportunity for pinball competition.

FREE backwards compatibility! Bring your previous Pinball FX2 purchases with you to Pinball FX3 at no charge!

Not so hot with the flippers? Pinball FX3 features new single player modes that will help you become a better player!

All tables have received graphics updates including real-time lighting and shadow projection.

Zen Studios will continue to support Pinball FX3 with frequent content releases and new features!...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Simulation
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 533
Größe: 4,79 GB

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