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Prey v1 04 Update and Crack V3-Baldman
06.07.17 11:12

: Prey v1 04 Update and Crack V3-Baldman


The Steam beta update v1.04 includes:

Glooing Cook between objectives no longer breaks mission
‘Nightmare is Hunting You’ no longer plays after completing ‘Copy Protection’ without Typhon Neuromods installed
Disgruntled Employee mission now properly completes if player finds Grant Lockwood prior to getting mission.
Sarah Elazar will now give the code for Cargo Bay B if player has hostility from Phantoms
Aaron Ingram will no longer flee and cower when released in Psychotronics
Player can no longer lock themselves in the security pharmaceuticals office in Trauma
Superfruit no longer appears shrunken and flat when fully grown.
Adjusted timing on several cutscenes.
Blank objective markers no longer persist above reticle
Using key actions while controller prompts are shown will no longer cause a freeze.
Tracking bracelets are now sent to Recycler with “Transfer all Junk”
Mouse sensitivity no longer affected by extreme FOV settings
Several cutscenes adjusted to play properly with modified FOV settings
WASD no longer incorrectly functions in menus and TranScribe if directional keys are rebound.
Aim Assist will now work as intended if controller is using mouse input instead of stick input.
Looting a new weapon without space for its ammo will no longer decrease the amount of ammo
Dropping all ammo from an equipped weapon no longer causes invalid ammo UI message
Consume Food hotkey now consumes food based on stack size, not inventory order.The Steam beta update v1.04 includes:

Glooing Cook between objectives no longer breaks mission
‘Nightmare is Hunting You’ no longer plays after completing ‘Copy Protection’ without Typhon Neuromods installed
Disgruntled Employee mission now properly completes if player finds Grant Lockwood prior to getting mission.
Sarah Elazar will now give the code for Cargo Bay B if player has hostility from Phantoms
Aaron Ingram will no longer flee and cower when released in Psychotronics
Player can no longer lock themselves in the security pharmaceuticals office in Trauma
Superfruit no longer appears shrunken and flat when fully grown.
Adjusted timi...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Action
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 638
Größe: 734 MB

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