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Project Remedium-Codex
29.08.17 22:27

: Project Remedium-Codex


In this first game by Atomic Jelly, a nanobot journeys through a human organism to revert the effects of strange illness and a set of unfortunate events that occurred.

Armed with once purely medical equipment that now became a duo of adaptive weapons - the Energy Cannon and the Remedium Sprayer - and able to travel in a fast and agile way with help of an invaluable grapnel, Nano+ can fight pathogens, mutated organisms and deranged nanobots, heal, help his allies and interact with a unique environment.

Nano+ is not alone in hist struggles: the veteran nanobot SuperVisette will guide him through the journey and the last sane nanobots struggling to maintain health and order will also help however they can.
upgradeable weapons for damage dealing and accelerated healing
versatile grapnel for climbing and quick getaways
substance crafting for improving both treatment methods and feats of Nano+
interactive environment with infected tissue and ailments
a story to discover and friendly nanobots to provide aid
various missions related with healing and helping fellow bots
bloodstream and 6 organs to healIn this first game by Atomic Jelly, a nanobot journeys through a human organism to revert the effects of strange illness and a set of unfortunate events that occurred.

Armed with once purely medical equipment that now became a duo of adaptive weapons - the Energy Cannon and the Remedium Sprayer - and able to travel in a fast and agile way with help of an invaluable grapnel, Nano+ can fight pathogens, mutated organisms and deranged nanobots, heal, help his allies and interact with a unique environment.

Nano+ is not alone in hist struggles: the veteran nanobot SuperVisette will guide him through the journey and the last sane nanobots strugglin...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Action
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 516
Größe: 3,68 GB

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