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Pylon Rogue-Plaza
21.09.17 21:06

: Pylon Rogue-Plaza


Pylon: Rogue is a fantasy Rogue-like RPG that pits you against waves of increasingly powerful enemies. Step into the boots of various heroes, using their unique abilities and constantly evolving combat strategy to rid the realm of evil beasts. Pylon offers great replayability, with a procedurally enhanced map to ensure no two runs are the same, the loot drops are unpredictable, and the enemy hordes remain challenging. Choose a character that best fits your play style and enhance their abilities with endless combinations of loot and power-ups.
Key Features:
Procedurally Enhanced Content
No two runs are the same; everything from items to maps are procedurally generated, ensuring that each run is fresh and fun.
Unique Characters
Each character has its own starting stats, abilities, and playstyle.
Item Unlocks
Keep diving back into the fight with new and unique items you unlock as you play.
Seamless Controls
Switch between keyboard + mouse and controller at any time.
It`s not sprites!
We use 100% locally grown, organic polygons that were rendered in a healthy environment.Pylon: Rogue is a fantasy Rogue-like RPG that pits you against waves of increasingly powerful enemies. Step into the boots of various heroes, using their unique abilities and constantly evolving combat strategy to rid the realm of evil beasts. Pylon offers great replayability, with a procedurally enhanced map to ensure no two runs are the same, the loot drops are unpredictable, and the enemy hordes remain challenging. Choose a character that best fits your play style and enhance their abilities with endless combinations of loot and power-ups.
Key Features:
Procedurally Enhanced Content
No two runs are the same; everything from items to maps are...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: RPG
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 465
Größe: 1,34 GB

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