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Seeking Evil The Wendigo-Hi2U
11.09.17 22:42

: Seeking Evil The Wendigo-Hi2U


Youll find yourself stranded in the creepy forests of North America. Things might seem peaceful, but dont be fooled as these grounds are cursed. Youre not alone and these haunted forests are home to a legendary creature called The Wendigo. This bloodthirsty predator is fast, smart, has great senses and will do everything it can to take you down. To break the curse youll need to find and burn totems, the more you burn the more intense the game becomes. Therefore your best bet is to get from point A to point B as fast as possible, duck down to stay out of Wendigos sight and use the ank to scan the environment for nearby totems. Simply sprinting until you find the totems will get you nowhere since the Wendigo will see and catch you.
Youll find yourself stranded in the creepy forests of North America. Things might seem peaceful, but dont be fooled as these grounds are cursed. Youre not alone and these haunted forests are home to a legendary creature called The Wendigo. This bloodthirsty predator is fast, smart, has great senses and will do everything it can to take you down. To break the curse youll need to find and burn totems, the more you burn the more intense the game becomes. Therefore your best bet is to get from point A to point B as fast as possible, duck down to stay out of Wendigos sight and use the ank to scan the environment for nearby totems. Simply sprinting unti...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 1.415
Größe: 617 MB

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