Kurzbeschreibung: Play for the ancient God of Singularity, whose spirit is trapped on earth. Use wormholes and gravity anomalies to bypass the obstacles and pass levels.
To leave the earth and compete the game, you need to collect all 50 dead stars.
Features: - Interesting physical phenomena: gravity anomalies and wormholes. - Beautiful graphics and effects. - Non-linear levels. Sequence of passage is not important. - 50 achievements.Play for the ancient God of Singularity, whose spirit is trapped on earth. Use wormholes and gravity anomalies to bypass the obstacles and pass levels.
To leave the earth and compete the game, you need to collect all 50 dead stars.
Features: - Interesting physical phenomena: gravity anomalies and wormholes. - Beautiful graphics and effects. - Non-linear levels. Sequence of passage is not important. - 50 achievements....
Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 456
Größe: 3,26 GB
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