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26.08.17 22:47

: SmuggleCraft-Prophet


Youve got a fast hovercraft and a heavy debt. Also, the world is falling apart.

As a smuggler in a society in which travel, trade, and technology are highly regulated and virtually inaccessible for most, your deliveries could decide the fate of your world.

With an immersive, rogue-like narrative featuring multiple endings, combined with epic hovercraft driving mechanics, SmuggleCraft plays like no racing game ever before. Fulfill smuggling contracts to receive credits and parts to upgrade the fully customizable hovercraft and be the fastest Smuggler on Dirahl. But spend wisely, as Smugglers must pay off a large debt to Garmuk before long, or else they`re space dust.

Randomly generated tracks that provide a unique series of driving conditions for every player
Fully upgradeable hovercrafts with hundreds of combinations
Quest-based missions, complete with illegal contraband and high-speed chases
Rogue-like campaign with a branching narrative with alternate endings that change based on player choice
Original Soundtrack by Bravendary
Local Couch Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
Smuggle your way: Play SmuggleCraft using your favorite console controllerYouve got a fast hovercraft and a heavy debt. Also, the world is falling apart.

As a smuggler in a society in which travel, trade, and technology are highly regulated and virtually inaccessible for most, your deliveries could decide the fate of your world.

With an immersive, rogue-like narrative featuring multiple endings, combined with epic hovercraft driving mechanics, SmuggleCraft plays like no racing game ever before. Fulfill smuggling contracts to receive credits and parts to upgrade the fully customizable hovercraft and be the fastest Smuggler on Dirahl. But spend wisely, as Smugglers must pay off a large debt to Garmuk before long, or...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Action
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 456
Größe: 2,25 GB

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