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Somewhere on Zibylon Rip-Unleashed
29.09.17 20:42

: Somewhere on Zibylon Rip-Unleashed


The signal from the Control Center of the colonized planet Zibylon has been lost. A repair drone is sent to the station. Upon arrival, it detects loss of control over the stations and strange activity taking place in them. Using the capabilities of the drone and the orbital module, explore Zibylon, solve puzzles, hide from enemies and fight with them, search for resources and produce equipment to capture stations and mines. If you want to regain control over the stations, figure out the tangled mechanisms and structures and avoid the many dangers that threaten you.

Explore the space stations and the entire planet.
Solve the variety of environmental puzzles.
Use stealth to find ways to avoid skirmishes with aliens.
Combat the alien forces, using the capabilities of the orbital module.
Search and capture space bases and mines.
Mining, crafting and researching technologies for equipping and arming the orbital module.The signal from the Control Center of the colonized planet Zibylon has been lost. A repair drone is sent to the station. Upon arrival, it detects loss of control over the stations and strange activity taking place in them. Using the capabilities of the drone and the orbital module, explore Zibylon, solve puzzles, hide from enemies and fight with them, search for resources and produce equipment to capture stations and mines. If you want to regain control over the stations, figure out the tangled mechanisms and structures and avoid the many dangers that threaten you.

Explore the space stations and the entire planet.
Solve the variety of enviro...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Action
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 463
Größe: 204 MB

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