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Star Story The Horizon Escape-Skidrow
05.09.17 22:10

: Star Story The Horizon Escape-Skidrow


The archaeological research mission faced some unexpected difficulties. Your spaceship crashed. Can you escape from this planet? But how? No one can help you. You are here all alone. Or not? Do you have a plan? Will you find what it takes to be a hero?

Meet Star Story: The Horizon Escape - a turn-based adventure game with text-rpg elements. Tune into the story of the aspiring space-archaeologist Van Klik on his mission to the mysterious planet of Horizon!The archaeological research mission faced some unexpected difficulties. Your spaceship crashed. Can you escape from this planet? But how? No one can help you. You are here all alone. Or not? Do you have a plan? Will you find what it takes to be a hero?

Meet Star Story: The Horizon Escape - a turn-based adventure game with text-rpg elements. Tune into the story of the aspiring space-archaeologist Van Klik on his mission to the mysterious planet of Horizon!...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 580
Größe: 746 MB

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