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Starpoint Gemini Warlords Deadly Dozen German-Postmortem
22.06.17 09:46

: Starpoint Gemini Warlords Deadly Dozen German-Postmortem


As the dust of recent conflicts settled, so came to light the emergence of a new system wide threat: The Deadly Dozen. They are a roaming gang of once-solitary criminals that have banded together under a mysterious leader to capitalize on current galactic turmoil. The Deadly Dozen have pitted themselves against all other factions and have quickly risen to prominence with acts of extreme violence and abolition of local laws. They are well-hidden, well-trained and scattered among Gemini in localized terror cells. Even though the call for someone’s life or capture is a barbaric method of governance, desperate times call for desperate measures, so the factions in turn sent out a call: "Bounties have been placed for the capture or demise of the twelve leading members of The Deadly Dozen and all captains are welcome to end their oppression."
Hunt down 12 new Bounties
Capture and fly 3 new unique ships
Acquire a new Warmaster or build new, devastating "Perun" carriers for your warfleetsAs the dust of recent conflicts settled, so came to light the emergence of a new system wide threat: The Deadly Dozen. They are a roaming gang of once-solitary criminals that have banded together under a mysterious leader to capitalize on current galactic turmoil. The Deadly Dozen have pitted themselves against all other factions and have quickly risen to prominence with acts of extreme violence and abolition of local laws. They are well-hidden, well-trained and scattered among Gemini in localized terror cells. Even though the call for someone’s life or capture is a barbaric method of governance, desperate times call for desperate measures, so the...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Strategy
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 1.005
Größe: 6,48 GB

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