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08.09.17 21:39

: Startide-Hi2U


Satrtide is the new take on the arcade top-down shooter - play as an elite pilot driving the Interstellar Recon Mecha geared with an unique set of weapons and special abilities. Explore the uncharted corners of the galaxy, discover its story and test your skills in epic battles against the most feared space dreadnoughts.


Gear up your Mech with deadly weapons and traverse through the universe to fight enemy fleets in an arcade top-down shooter style! Every battle is an individual experience - opponents are procedurally generated and will adjust to your progress with their mass and batteries of deadly weapons.

Explore the galaxy and disclose its dark secrets in a story mode! Lead the Earth`s fleet in a quest to find new source of energy and discover new planets with their inhabitants - join alliances, find powerful artifacts and face the mysterious force that wants to see the universe descent into chaos.

Choose your favorite from nine Mecha with different guns and close combat weapons. Then customize it`s special skills combo to best suit your gameplay.

Create deadly fleet with gathered parts and weapons! Try out Startide`s editor to make new spaceships with various technology you find along your journey. Test your creations and send them to fight against your friends in an online rank mode!Satrtide is the new take on the arcade top-down shooter - play as an elite pilot driving the Interstellar Recon Mecha geared with an unique set of weapons and special abilities. Explore the uncharted corners of the galaxy, discover its story and test your skills in epic battles against the most feared space dreadnoughts.


Gear up your Mech with deadly weapons and traverse through the universe to fight enemy fleets in an arcade top-down shooter style! Every battle is an individual experience - opponents are procedurally generated and will adjust to your progress with their mass and batteries of deadly weapons.

Explore the ...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Action
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 447
Größe: 2,66 GB

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