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Stellaris Synthetic Dawn-Codex
21.09.17 16:27

: Stellaris Synthetic Dawn-Codex


Stellaris: Synthetic Dawn Story Pack provides an all-new way for players to establish their empire across the stars, starting the game as a Machine Empire -- a society made up entirely of robots. Unique game features and event chains will allow the machines to expand as a robotic consciousness, and create an AI-led network that grows to galactic dominance

You, Robot:
Play Stellaris as a customized robotic civilization, complete a series of robotic portraits for science robots, worker robots, and more
AI, eh? Aye!:
Follow new event chains and story features to lead your robot race to greatness as an intergalactic AI empire; pursue mechanical perfection in the stars
Rise of the Machines:
Oppressed synths may rebel against their masters and form new empires -- or you may even discover a fallen synthetic civilization deep in space
Digital Enhancements:
New synthetic race portraits, and expanded voice packs for VIRStellaris: Synthetic Dawn Story Pack provides an all-new way for players to establish their empire across the stars, starting the game as a Machine Empire -- a society made up entirely of robots. Unique game features and event chains will allow the machines to expand as a robotic consciousness, and create an AI-led network that grows to galactic dominance

You, Robot:
Play Stellaris as a customized robotic civilization, complete a series of robotic portraits for science robots, worker robots, and more
AI, eh? Aye!:
Follow new event chains and story features to lead your robot race to greatness as an intergalactic AI empire; pursue ...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Simulation
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 730
Größe: 3,32 GB

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