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Strangers in a Strange Land-Plaza
27.07.17 23:55

: Strangers in a Strange Land-Plaza


Strangers In a Strange Land – SIASL is a modern erotic and thriller adventure game with focus on the hero Billy.

Billy goes with his family, his brother and his fiancee, to a farm that his step-dad recently bought in an auction.

From the first moment that they arrive there, strange things start to happen … Will Billy find out what is going on? Is his family in danger? Will he survive? Only one way to find out!

Dive in into the 1990s-2000s adventure style game of point-and-click but with HD graphics! Game is easy to progress at first with a two difficult puzzles towards the end.

Play time of roughly 1-2 hours IF you are following a walk-through but depending on the first time player the game promises a lot more play time.

The game currently contains :

1. Puzzles where Billy needs to find clues on what is going on
2. Adult scenes with and without Billy
3. Animated adult scenes with click-to-progress option

Note: The game still has a few bugs I am working on them to get them fixed.Strangers In a Strange Land – SIASL is a modern erotic and thriller adventure game with focus on the hero Billy.

Billy goes with his family, his brother and his fiancee, to a farm that his step-dad recently bought in an auction.

From the first moment that they arrive there, strange things start to happen … Will Billy find out what is going on? Is his family in danger? Will he survive? Only one way to find out!

Dive in into the 1990s-2000s adventure style game of point-and-click but with HD graphics! Game is easy to progress at first with a two difficult puzzles towards the end.

Play time of roughly 1-2 hours IF you are following a w...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 569
Größe: 2,50 GB

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