Kurzbeschreibung: Dozens Islands of Paradise For Some its A Blessing For Others... Its A Curse. The classics of the genre! Finally set your foot on the land to plunder it! New adventures! Assault a fort, defend a village, wipe out the undead and explore an ancient city - and more! New ship! Get yourself a mighty galleon for either trade or piracy! Valuable rewards! Land quests will provide with gold and abilities!Dozens Islands of Paradise For Some its A Blessing For Others... Its A Curse. The classics of the genre! Finally set your foot on the land to plunder it! New adventures! Assault a fort, defend a village, wipe out the undead and explore an ancient city - and more! New ship! Get yourself a mighty galleon for either trade or piracy! Valuable rewards! Land quests will provide with gold and abilities!...
Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: RPG
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 582
Größe: 223 MB
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