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The Painscreek Killings-Plaza
28.09.17 00:20

: The Painscreek Killings-Plaza


Janet, a young and upcoming journalist, has been asked by her editor to investigate the mysterious abandonment of a once lively town. Based on the information released by the media about the killings and supernatural sightings, Janet set foot into the town thinking she would find an interesting story to publish, only to uncover secrets that were meant to stay hidden forever. The Painscreek Killings is a first-person, explorable mystery solving game set in a fictional town of United States in the 1990s.
Key Features
Non-linear, semi-open world game where you are free to explore wherever your instincts take you.

Note-taking and in-game photographing to aid in your investigation.

Use your powers of observation and deduction to piece together the secrets of Painscreek.

Find the truth and publish your story in tomorrow`s papers.Janet, a young and upcoming journalist, has been asked by her editor to investigate the mysterious abandonment of a once lively town. Based on the information released by the media about the killings and supernatural sightings, Janet set foot into the town thinking she would find an interesting story to publish, only to uncover secrets that were meant to stay hidden forever. The Painscreek Killings is a first-person, explorable mystery solving game set in a fictional town of United States in the 1990s.
Key Features
Non-linear, semi-open world game where you are free to explore wherever your instincts take you.

Note-taking and in-game photogra...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 550
Größe: 6,15 GB

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