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The Silver Case Hd Remastered-Plaza
11.09.17 16:33

: The Silver Case Hd Remastered-Plaza


1999 – Tokyo’s 24 Wards. The city has been plagued by a string of serial murders.
The detectives of the 24 Wards Heinous Crimes Unit have their sights set on one particular suspect: Kamui Uehara, legendary serial killer and perpetrator of a number of assassinations of government officials 20 years prior in the now-famous "Silver Case". However, nobody knows who - or what - Kamui really is.

Is this really the second coming of Kamui? Who is this infamous serial killer, and what is his endgame?

Take control of the protagonist - a member of the Special Forces Unit known as “Republic” - from a first-person perspective and dig deep into the underground of the 24 Wards and the police force itself to unravel the various interconnected mysteries encountered throughout the game. Inspired by classic adventure and visual novel-style games as well as neo-noir and hardboiled detective films, The Silver Case provides a unique and revolutionary gameplay experience as it leads you through deep and engaging storylines filled with puzzles and riddles. Uncover the truth piece by piece as you struggle to survive in this dark and dangerous world where the stakes are even higher than they seem!1999 – Tokyo’s 24 Wards. The city has been plagued by a string of serial murders.
The detectives of the 24 Wards Heinous Crimes Unit have their sights set on one particular suspect: Kamui Uehara, legendary serial killer and perpetrator of a number of assassinations of government officials 20 years prior in the now-famous "Silver Case". However, nobody knows who - or what - Kamui really is.

Is this really the second coming of Kamui? Who is this infamous serial killer, and what is his endgame?

Take control of the protagonist - a member of the Special Forces Unit known as “Republic” - from a first-person perspective and dig deep into the under...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 441
Größe: 3,84 GB

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