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Titanfall 2 Update v2 0 7 0-Codex Titanfall.2.Update.v2.0.7.0-CODEX
01.08.17 16:17 |

Kurzbeschreibung: Update v2.0.7.0: GAME IMPROVEMENTS Added more out of bounds triggers to Complex. New stats page for maps, including tracking of Frontier Defense difficulty levels. Visual improvements for Weapon and Titan stats pages. TITAN BALANCE General Ogre class Titans now have a baseline of 1 dash with a 10 second cooldown. Turbo Engine will now reduce cool down of Scorch and Legions dashes to 5 seconds. It will still behave the same as before for other Titan classes. Overcore now gives 20 Prozent core meter. Electric Smoke unlocks at 20 Prozent instead of 25 Prozent. Ronin Sword Block damage reduction reduced by 5 Prozent. Scorch Scorch will n
Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Ego-Shooter
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 644
Größe: 1,97 GB
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