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Hkboot 2016 - Windows Live Usb
16.04.17 06:40

: Hkboot 2016 - Windows Live Usb


Hkboot 2016 - Windows Live Usb

Size: 935MB
Format: ISO
Sprache: ENG
System: Win XP/7/8.1/10
Password: No.Pom.Day

Hello friends ! Im Yellow Control, the first to address the nation from Vietnam, Ha Giang. Maybe I do not have a long time to bring to you something new. Europe as well as the issues related to the daily work. Despite this passion for technology is something that never goes out of me. One of them, may be mentioned as WinPE. For many people may think, just read, watch and follow the instructions that can create yourself a PE already. However, if only so they can finish the story already.

With the rapid development of technology, then how do the update will not be easy, especially foreign websites, in addition to foreign qualifications language can call my lackluster, some things become even more difficult. However, with the mens son, is something difficult to do even more eager and want to conquer it. To accomplish this WIN10PE copies, how many sleepless nights just to grope out a few small things that are not out. Many ruins your arrival. But indeed it did not betray him. After days of searching, plus the help of some brothers, I finally can improve our products and bring them to the hands of users. Never knew this was the last in the series WinPE by me or not, just know that in every product, whether big or small, I try to do it best, and featuring that those who use the product Prince Controls will see. Ok, so introduction is enough. What you are more interested in the PE that this is nothing new compared to the other PE, right. For a more visual look, invite you to watch video and some pictures below:​

Kategorie: Windows
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: N/A
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 634
Größe: 935 MB

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Mirror #1 von cheyanne | Passwort: No.Pom.Day


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