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Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise Redstone 2 Build 10.0.14997 (x64)
07.01.17 07:25

: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise Redstone 2 Build 10.0.14997 (x64)


Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise Redstone 2 Build 10.0.14997.1001 (x64)

Size: 3940MB
Format: ISO
Sprache: ENG
System: Win 10
Medizin: Key/Patch
Password: No.Pom.Day

Software Version: 10.0.14997.1001
official website: the Microsoft
Language: English

Treatment: required, but there is no
System requirements:
Processor: 1 GHz or faster
Disk space: 16 GB free space
Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device, with WDDM driver
Screen resolution: 1024 x 768

Description: A new build of Windows 10 Creators Update has been "merged" unknown to the network on December 25 this year. The assembly is not produced within the insider program, in essence is the internal ISO image, which was leaked to the Internet. Unlike Insider Preview, it comes with a lot of changes that have not been officially announced Microsoft.

What is new in this build:
Lets start with a list of new features, the assembly includes a redesigned installer.
Now it is integrated with Cortana.
This will allow the user to monitor the installation process using voice commands.
The installer has a status bar using Cortana options associated with: the application settings in Windows 10 build 14997 now does not include the ability to change the theme to Windows 10, so that the old applet personalize the classic Control Panel is no longer the only way to apply the theme: It can be useful for users who prefer the application settings on the UI of the classic control Panel and want to control all the appearance settings associated with a streamlined user interface. This assembly includes, finally, the long-awaited reduction function of blue light. Now it can be switched automatically and tweaked by the user. In the upper right corner of the Start menu, there is a strange symbol "cup of coffee". Perhaps this indicates some experimental option to the Start menu. A new set of tabs allows you to save your tabs and restore them later: "Show / Hide Event previews the tab" new button that can show or hide the Preview tab in the province with one click: There are other changes in this build. It is necessary to understand in all ... Successful experiments!

Kategorie: Windows
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: N/A
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 915
Größe: 3,85 GB

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Mirror #1 von cheyanne | Passwort: No.Pom.Day


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