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Lily of the Valley RiP-DarksiDers
15.08.17 12:27

: Lily of the Valley RiP-DarksiDers


“Hey, Mister... Are you a lonely person?”

When his mother dies, our protagonist returns home to Wales for the first time in ten years to attend her funeral. Then, on a walk in the countryside, he encounters a mysterious young girl.

Though her face is expressionless and her words are cold, the man soon forms a friendship with her… of sorts. However, their meetings only leave him with more questions.

How did she know his mother, why does she have such a morbid fascination with death, and why does she look so much like his childhood sweetheart?

But only one thing is certain: there is much more to Lily than meets the eye.

Revamped version of an old VN made in 2014
Written by ebi-hime, author of Sweetest Monster, Asphyxia, and Emmeline Burns
OST by yuzuki, who composed for Strawberry Vinegar, and Windswept Night
Art by SilleySelly, artist of Strawberry Vinegar, Empty Horizons, and Asphyxia
Around 25k words
Two different art styles to choose between
Hidden extra scene and author`s notes
Will probably make you feel sad(!)“Hey, Mister... Are you a lonely person?”

When his mother dies, our protagonist returns home to Wales for the first time in ten years to attend her funeral. Then, on a walk in the countryside, he encounters a mysterious young girl.

Though her face is expressionless and her words are cold, the man soon forms a friendship with her… of sorts. However, their meetings only leave him with more questions.

How did she know his mother, why does she have such a morbid fascination with death, and why does she look so much like his childhood sweetheart?

But only one thing is certain: there is much more to Lily than meets the eye.

Revamped versi...

Kategorie: PC
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Adventure
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 682
Größe: 185 MB

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